
Monday, April 18, 2011

TFG: the movie star.

Sleepless in T-town.

It's a new movie, featuring TFG with her lack-of-a-voice and a cough that keeps her up at night. 

Quite the annoyance. 

Not the voice part, because I still manage to speak as much as I usually do, if not more. My classmates kept telling me to stop talking today. They also told me I sounded like I was crying. Thanks, guys. 

This morning, I woke up unable to swallow. Quite the inconvenience, considering I can't survive without eating breakfast. So I did the logical thing. I blended my breakfast.

I simply prepared my overnight oats (oats + milk + chia seeds + frozen blueberries) last night, and this morning, I added more milk to the bowl and blended till smooth. I stirred in some cinnamon and topped it all with a nice dollop of SunButter.

It was thick and tasty. The last time I blended oats was during my spinach challenge. I prefer today's oat smoothie to the spinach oat smoothie. Something about spinach for breakfast is kind of strange, even for me.

Not to worry, I did consume my spinach quota for the day!

Just a plain spinach salad with some balsamic. I had this for dinner, along with this:

One of my "gourmet-to-go" meals I picked up at the store yesterday! (I was requested to call these frozen meals "gourmet-to-go" meals instead--haha!).

I'm usually skeptical about pre-made Indian food. It just doesn't taste the same as homemade Indian food! But this sounded way too interesting to pass up.

Plus, I got a chance to eat something with my raita!

What did I think? It was great!! It was filling, healthy, and just the right amount of spicy. The best parts were that it had very little oil, and it tasted like MANCHURIAN! (I'm sorry if you've never had manchurian. You need to try it ASAP).

I'm two for two so far. Let's hope the rest of these gourmet-to-go items are just as good!


  1. I LOVE SUKHI'S VEGAN CHILI CHICKEN!!! her chana masala is a sore disappointment though.

  2. hahaha!! Sheila, I sometimes feel like we are way too alike in our food tastes :). Yeah, I looked at the chana masala and the picture on the box wasn't convincing enough for me to buy it. But ohh man I'm definitely buying the chili chicken again for sure!!
