
Friday, May 13, 2011


This is going to be a quick one! It's graduation day(s)!

Too bad you can't properly see my bright orange hood which is choking me in the picture.
Before graduation, my parents and I went to Caruso's for dinner. Unfortunately, we were in a hurry to make sure that we got to graduation on time, so I didn't really get a chance to take pictures of our food!! But I've been to Caruso's a few times and the food has been consistently good! Last night, I got the spinach cannellone (egg pasta filled with spinach/mushrooms/ricotta) with marinara sauce. I enjoyed the leftovers for lunch today...and still didn't take a picture. Woops.

I've been slacking in the food department.

But here are some of my meals as of late:

Amy's!! She never fails to let me down. The paneer was delish!

Also, check out this cool item I found at TJ's:

Chopped, frozen basil separated into 20 convenient little cubes!!!

I always want to buy basil and other various herbs but it never seems worth it. Fresh is always so expensive and then it's a race against time to finish it before it goes bad! This is perfect (and reasonably priced)!

I broke it in a few days ago when I decided to steam some veggies for lunch.

Beet greens + carrots + broccolini + 1 basil cube
I steamed those for a minute or two and when I lifted the lid, it smelled so basil-y! Fancy!!

Don't worry, I never eat just veggies for lunch.

Pita + hummus + baba ghanoush + steamed veggies topped with some pepper!
Well-rounded meal, I'd say.

See you soon with some new Zumba choreography! What? I'm really trying to make use of my newfound free time!!

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