
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Time Flies.

...when you're having fun?

But really, where has the week gone? I don't know what happened. Actually, I do. I've been doing 1 hour of cardio everyday this week, and it makes my evenings go by way too quickly. I haven't even had a chance to properly sit down and veg on the couch. And my appetite is off the wall. I forgot what that was like. I kind of like it.

Some updates on life:

I'm still eating pumpkin for breakfast everyday. Usually pumpkin oatmeal, sometimes pumpkin smoothies.

I'm kind of obsessed with graham crackers lately, and I put them on everything. Graham cracker + pumpkin + cinnamon = faux pumpkin pie. It's quite yum.

(P.S. You'll get the pumpkin smoothie recipe soon!)

On the weekends, I make pumpkin pancakes. Whole wheat pancake mix + pumpkin + whatever else the box calls for. So easy.

(Pre-maple syrup addition...of course).

Someday when I'm not in a rush whilst packing my lunch in the morning, I'll take pictures. I've been majorly slacking in the taking-pictures-of-my-food-all-day-errrrday area. (Hence why I've only really been posting one recipe per week). But my lunch today was pretty awesome. I made a vegan quesadilla. Only because I didn't have cheese and I wanted to make quesadillas. So...I spread some roasted red pepper hummus on a whole wheat tortilla, sprinkled a nice spoonful of nutritional yeast atop the hummus, and topped that with some fresh spinach. Fold the tortilla and half and there you have it. No picture though.

However, I can provide you with a picture of something I took for a snack last week.

Thinly sliced baked tofu! I seasoned these with some soy sauce and olive oil before baking. These are perfect for dipping in whatever kind of dip you happen. I tried dipping these in marinara and in hummus...both quite successful, I think! Or you can eat them plain. Whatever floats your boat.

Lastly...let's talk about the ONE thing I like about cold weather.

Not the weather, that's for sure. But the presence of BEETS!!! Remember my obsession last year? It's definitely making a comeback this year. I made an incredibly easy one-pot recipe with them to last me the whole week (recipe also coming soon!). Oh, and I saved some for juicing purposes.

Carrots + beets + celery + lemon + ginger. I'm still juicing every few days. And guess what I'm using the pulp for? COMPOST. I got some plants and now have a miniature garden. I will also take pictures of that someday when I get back on the picture-taking train.

TFG Recommends: Confused about what foods to buy organic? This might help get you started!

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