
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Lunch Box Series. Part III.

I've been asked several times if I think sushi is healthy.

Well, it can be. If you get the vegetarian version, it's definitely not unhealthy.

And if you make my version, it's incredibly healthy and easy. And portable. Win!

I never realized that nori (edible seaweed) was readily available and so nutritious! It contains as much protein as soybeans and is full of dietary fiber and vitamins.

I actually got the idea to use nori from Gena's portable nori snack. She also made a sunflower seed pate to spread inside the nori. I made this dip as soon as I saw the recipe (with some subtle changes to the original recipe such as eliminating the tahini). This was a really quick and easy dip to prepare, and I recommend trying it, especially if you aren't a fan of hummus!

I was inspired by Gena's recipe to incorporate nori into one of my portable lunch ideas! I made sushi wraps with nori, sunflower seed dip, and various sliced vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and avocado).

Even though the nori seems fragile, it's not! Don't be afraid to load it with fillings.

And it stays together so nicely! I'd still suggest wrapping it with foil or keeping it in a tight container, though.

This is also heartier than it seems. I was quite surprised! It might have been the sunflower seed dip (sunflower seeds are a good form of protein). Actually, any spread could work in this wrap including some I've previously featured such as pesto, guacahummus, or regular hummus.

Wraps in general are another healthy portable lunch option. If you don't have nori, collard greens or tortillas will work just as well!

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