Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Taters.

What I've been doing in my spare time:

Ever since my knee problems re-surfaced a few weeks ago, all I've been doing in terms of workouts is yoga (except for teaching kickboxing once a week and the occasional Zumba class!). And now that I've started doing yoga, I can't seem to stop! Even though it's radically different from my usual aerobic workouts, I still feel like I'm getting in such a good workout, and the best part is that I can see tangible results after every practice. It's awesome seeing an improvement in certain poses, like wheel pose (shown in above picture). I wasn't able to do this pose a few weeks ago, and now I can. SO cool!

My apologies for the infrequent posting this week. But hopefully today's recipe makes up for it. :)

I had some vegetables to finish off, including this white sweet potato I got from the farmer's market!

I've never tried a white sweet potato, so I thought I'd experiment with it (despite my usual rule regarding white foods/regular potatoes!)

Sweet Potatoes--Fancified

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 garlic clove
  • green onion
  • fresh cheese (ie ricotta)
  • olive oil and/or vegetable oil

Wash and scrub the sweet potato thoroughly. Chop into thick slices. Place the slices on a baking sheet after generously oiling it first. 

I figured I'd roast some other vegetables while I was at it!
Bake in the oven at 400F for about 30 minutes. Flip after about 20 minutes. 

After flipping.
The potatoes should be slightly browned on both sides after baking.

While the potatoes cool, saute garlic and green onions in olive oil.

Top each potato slice with garlic/onion mixture and fresh cheese.

Wow. I hardly even noticed that I used absolutely no salt or pepper on these taters!

Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and super flavorful. 

You're probably wondering what I did with the other veggies I baked. Am I right?

One tomato and one carrot.
I made a super simple salad, and topped greens [spinach and arugula] with the roasted tomato/carrot, some nutritional yeast, pepper, and lemon juice.

Perfect pre-spring break meal! Speaking of spring break, I'll be switching up my content next week. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

This looks delicious and your pose looks great! Keep up the practice and you'll keep seeing changes.

Tulika said...

Thank you!! Yeah, I will def keep it up--doing these poses is sometimes just too much fun!

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