
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Energizer TFG.

Can I first just say that I now have a bedtime of 9:30pm because working out after working all day takes all the energy out of me?

I wish I were exaggerating.

But really, I usually have the blessing of being too energetic for my own liking. (And for anyone else's liking, for that matter). So I shouldn't complain about this recent turn of events.

Also, the best part about working out and coming home starving is that no matter what is in the fridge, it will be eaten. This is why the one meal I make every Sunday that lasts me until Friday works well.

Even my not-so-glamorous looking soup that I threw together in five minutes this past weekend!

But it tastes pretty glamorous, if you ask me. Hence the glamorous name.

Coconut Harvest Soup

  • 1 1/4 cups uncooked grains of choice*
  • 1 1/2 cups light coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup frozen chopped greens (spinach, collards, kale, etc)
  • 3/4 cup frozen mixed vegetables
  • 2 medium potatoes (sweet potatoes preferred!)
  • 2 1/2 cups low sodium vegetable broth
  • salt/pepper

*I used this grain blend, but any combination of grains/beans would work well:

Start by cooking the grains/beans in a large pot. While this cooks, microwave the sweet potatoes, then chop them. Peeling is optional. Peel = fiber.

Then combine all ingredients in the pot with the grains. Simmer on medium-low heat for about 10 minutes.

It may be necessary to add more coconut milk and/or broth and/or water depending on desired consistency. The next day, I found that the consistency was a lot thicker than it was the previous day. So it might be beneficial to save some broth to add just before consuming!

Wintery goodness. And quite a substantial post-weight lifting meal!

Is anyone else dreading going to the gym after January 1st? And along those lines, any new years resolutions? I'm going to be cliche and aim to reduce my sugar intake. 6 pack, here I come! (For real this time).

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