
Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26th:

a.k.a. The Day Not to Fly.

I flew across two states. And the entire process took 9 hours. Is it me, or does something not add up?

Anyway. I landed and I was hungry. Obviously. And I felt like such a college student because I had an (almost) empty fridge and wanted to eat something substantial with zero effort.


MAGGI NOODLES. The Indian equivalent of Ramen.

I know exactly what you're thinking right now. TFG eats RAMEN?! No. TFG eats Maggi, though.

Tulika-fied of course.

Along with Maggi noodles in my pantry, I had some eggs in the fridge and bags and bags of frozen vegetables in the freezer.

I boiled water and cooked the noodles in one small pot, and in a skillet, I scrambled two eggs. When the noodles were almost done cooking, I added to them a generous amount of frozen spinach.

When the eggs were cooked, I added those to the noodles along with the spice packet.

And... that's it.

I must give my sister credit for this idea, because she found a recipe for a Ramen noodle omelette and told me about it yesterday. I would have tried it, but my omelettes usually end up like scrambled eggs anyway...

In other news, I made a TJ's trip this weekend.

The powerberries are really quite good. I have yet to try the fig and pumpkin butter, but I have a feeling they will be on regular rotation for my sandwiches! As for the bag of grains, I've already made something with them that you will see soon! And by soon, I mean actually soon!

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