
Friday, August 5, 2011


Wow, I had no idea that today was International Beer Day when I posted the beer bread recipe yesterday. I guess that worked out well!

And if you recall, I promised you some news! But first, a few blog housekeeping things...

1. The recipe page is completely up to date.

2. The fitness page is completely up to date.

3. If you haven't downloaded the latest version of the Android app (the one with sound!) on the TFG mobile page, do it. Even if you've already downloaded the old version!

4. The about me page has also been updated with links to my Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Feel free to follow me on any or all of the above!

And lastly, my news! I'm teaching group fitness classes again!! Zumba AND TurboKick! So get ready to hear lots more stories about my classes.

Hopefully after all those links you've had enough TFG shenanigans for one day!

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